
From BoingBoing:

The national Terrorist Watch List has now crossed one million names– that’s a million suspected terrorists (including nuns, members of Congress, and people named “Robert Johnson”) who will spend their days being harassed, denied the fundamental right to travel, and punished for having a name vaguely like the name used by someone who may or may not be a terrorist. There’s no way to get off the list, and the list (and the criteria for adding names to it) are secret.

“America’s new million record watch list is a perfect symbol for what’s wrong with this administration’s approach to security: it’s unfair, out-of-control, a waste of resources, treats the rights of the innocent as an afterthought, and is a very real impediment in the lives of millions of travelers in this country. Putting a million names on a watch list is a guarantee that the list will do more harm than good by interfering with the travel of innocent people and wasting huge amounts of our limited security resources on bureaucratic wheel-spinning. I doubt this thing would even be effective at catching a real terrorist.”

— Barry Steinhardt, director of the ACLU Technology and Liberty Program