I joined a gym.
Yep, I’ve joined the ranks of all the flabby middle-aged guys who think lifting weights a few times a week will save them from being total couch potatoes. Well, okay, maybe I don’t think that. But my friend Cory told me about an awesome deal at the local gym (right down the street from me, in face) where I can pay $12/month for membership. That’s a fraction of the normal fees, and a deal at any gym.
Honestly I don’t really care about their two pools, multiple Olympic weight rooms, sauna, cardio rooms, aerobics classes, spinning classes (what the heck is spinning?), or even the basketball court. It’s all about racquetball. I love the game*, and since it costs $10 per person to drop in on any gym in town, I haven’t done so for many moons.
So I went down there today with Rob and we both signed up. We’ll play some racquetball on Mondays after work, and then on Wednesdays and Fridays Laralee and I will play (I got her a membership too). Now I just have to find my old racket and dust it off…

* When I say “I love the game” it does not necessarily imply I’m any good at it.