
Today was Day One of the Great Carpet Installation. We’re replacing the carpeting throughout the house, since the builder-grade stuff is pretty worn after ten years.

It’s a bit of a challenge because we basically have to move everything out of the rooms the installers are working in, stuffing it into other rooms. Then, after the carpet is finished, we’ll move everything back and add the stuff from the unfinished rooms. On Thursday they’ll come back and finish the job.

Our bedroom shows just how worn the carpet was. Notice the big rectangle against the far wall where the bed has sat for all these years. The carpet under there was quite a bit lighter and of course a bit softer.

This evening we moved back into our bedroom, with the new carpet underfoot.

The difference is dramatic. This new stuff is really nice… as I shuffle around in bare feet, I can’t believe we put up with that old carpeting for so long.

I’m excited to see how it all turns out. We’ll wrap it up Thursday evening, just in time for mom and dad to visit on Friday…