Hot grits

I’m listening to an 80’s rock Shoutcast stream today while I work, and Loverboy’s “Hot Girls in Love” just came on.  For some reason, as kids we made fun of it by calling it “Hot Grits in Love”.  On a whim I checked the internet to see if “hot grits” has some kind of deep meaning.  According to the Urban Dictionary:

Hot Grits
A term used on often referring to Natalie Portman.  “It’s Natalie Portman, man! Have you no sense of history? That, Hot Grits, and Beowulf clusters are the only things that matter!”

Since Natalie Portman probably wasn’t even born back in the days my friends and I used that term, I guess we were way ahead of the hipster curve.

Bonus points if you know what a Beowulf cluster is. Yes, I built one many years ago.