Bucking is the term for cutting a tree into manageable chunks, generally firewood-sized. Yesterday we decided to buck the two trees that are laying in our backyard. Here’s the “before” shot of the one that clipped the house:

And here’s what it looks like after I took our chainsaw to it:

Pepper worked on the second tree, first limbing it with our little electric chainsaw and then bucking it with the big saw:

Now we have to take all these firewood-length logs and split them into useable sizes. Luckily we know a guy.
I also sliced a few thin cross-sections of the tree, because Thom and Katie are going to do something with them. Here’s an example of one that’s around 16 inches across:

Maybe I’ll make a few more into cutting boards or coasters or a clock or something. It’s really nice wood, and I hate for it to go to waste.
More trees to come…