We have a few outdoor cameras at the house; they’re useful for alerting us if someone is coming up the driveway, and for keeping an eye on things when we’re away. Any time motion is detected, we receive an alert and a brief video clip of whatever triggered it. Most of the time it’s just something mundane like a UPS truck, but sometimes we get interesting things.
For example, here’s a buck walking along the driveway. We see deer pretty frequently, but for some reason they’re mostly does and adolescents. A buck is more rare. (Click the picture to watch the video clip.)

Then there’s a woodpecker who decided to attack the camera. Pretty funny.

A couple nights ago, we were watching a movie and heard an alarm. The video showed a bobcat striding toward the house. We looked out the window but it was too dark to see anything. This big cat was probably fifty feet from us.