Another 8 inches of snow fell last night. Fortunately we’d parked our car at the bottom of the driveway, so we hiked down and headed off to seminary. When we came back home, we both agreed we needed to shovel the really treacherous parts so they wouldn’t get a chance to add another layer of ice atop the one already there. There are three particularly dangerous areas where the slope is steep and there are drop-offs… and naturally those are areas that build up a lot of ice which doesn’t seem to melt much.
We went to work. Looking up the hill, it’s pretty impressive to behold:

It was funny to think how we used to gripe about all 60 feet of our driveway in Longmont. Shoveling that seemed like such a chore. Now here we are, working on a driveway that’s almost half a mile long.
Fortunately the snow is pretty powdery today, so we made (relatively) quick work of it. Once we reached the bottom, we hoisted our shovels and trekked back up.

About an hour later, I heard a truck outside. Todd, our “plow guy”, was climbing the hill in his big pickup. We had no idea he was coming, or even that he would– the last time he was here, he said our driveway is “the worst I’ve ever seen” and seemed pretty hesitant to even tackle it. But I guess he felt like he could make it. He must’ve been a little surprised to see it already cleared! Fortunately he had a load of sand in the back, so I asked him to spread the sand as he went back down. Combined with our shoveling efforts, the sand should at least make the driveway navigable again.
It’s crazy how much I obsess about this dang driveway. Knowing I can get down to the highway without (1) hiking and (2) crampons is actually kind of a relief. Here’s hoping some warm weather in the next few days will whittle away at that bottom layer of ice, and we won’t have to keep spending mental– and physical– energy on this!