As a kid, I remember none of us really enjoyed a family photo session. It felt like we had to pose a thousand times, in a dozen combinations of people, wearing uncomfortable clothes, hoping everyone was smiling and no one was blinking. Ahh, the difficult life of a kid. Nowadays photo shoots are a little easier because you can immediately see the results on the camera (“Dang it, I had my eyes closed!”) and retake the shot.
In any case, we were visiting the kids in Utah, along with Mom and Dad, and felt like it was a good opportunity to take some family shots. The weather was beautiful– in fact, it might’ve been too sunny with some harsh shadows– and I feel like we had a pretty good time. Behold the various combinations…
Here’s the whole fam.

Here are the proud great-grandparents. It’s worth noting this is the only shot in perhaps a hundred I took where Ollie was actually smiling. I guess Gigi has the touch!

I really like this four-generation shot. It’s pretty cool that the four of us span eighty years.

I wanted a shot with my boys.

It was inevitable that we fell into old habits and took a few goofy shots. Zack loves his mom!

I’m proud that Kaitlyn joined the family and hasn’t missed a beat doing silly poses with us.

Surely one of these will end up on this year’s Christmas card. Yay for photo shoots!