Well, an era is coming to an end. For several years, all three of our kids have been living within a few miles of each other while attending college. Now Kyra and Alex both have new jobs which are going to take them farther north. We decided that since it’s the last time they’ll all be so close together, we should take advantage of the situation and make a visit to Utah. As an added bonus, Mom and Dad decided to join us. They haven’t seen their grandkids in a while, and here was an opportunity to be with the whole family.
We had a grand time together. We made dinners and went on walks and just hung out chatting.
I didn’t take many pictures, but Pepper filled her phone with shots of Ollie. Here are a few of our escapades, all featuring our just-turned-two grandson.
He likes throwing balls at dad to knock him over.

And reading books or playing with toys with his great (!) grandpa.

Big slides are always fun.

For some reason he enjoys pushing (not driving) this little plastic car around the neighborhood.

He learned to penny-board with Uncle Zack.

And to walk on a slackline at the gym. With a little help, of course.

He worked toward a possible career in a Vegas casino.

And laughed as he kicked his dad in the chin on the swings.

There were board games with oh-so-many pieces to play with.

And of course a bunch of selfies with Grandma.

This kid is sure a bunch of fun. He reminds me of my kids, some twenty years ago or more. They were pretty fun then too.
All in all, it was a wonderful trip and a real blessing to be able to spend that time together.