#givethanks 21

Today I’m grateful for my health. Ironically, as I write this I can feel a cold coming on. It’s been almost a year since I was last sick– I remember it vividly because it was during the Christmas season. Since I get sick so rarely, when I do it seems like it’s a real kick in the pants. I can’t imagine what it would be like to feel crummy all day, every day. At least when I have a cold, I know it’s a passing thing and in a few days I’ll be better.

If I’m being honest, I don’t actually pay all that much attention to my health. I eat and drink whatever I want. I haven’t been to a doctor since I was a kid. I don’t exercise, although I spend plenty of time doing exercise-y things like walking, hiking, swimming, and biking. I find that jumping around in a room while watching a video of other people jumping around just isn’t very engaging. I suppose as I get older, I should make more of an effort to do that, but for most of my life I’ve had plenty of opportunity to just be out doing stuff that keeps me more or less in shape. Hence, I haven’t needed to pay attention to whether I’m getting slower or fatter. I can still fit into clothes I wore in college, which I take as a good sign. I don’t have migraines or asthma or allergies or joint pain… another good sign.

So, despite a profound lack of attention to it, my health is actually pretty great. I should give some credit to genetics: Mom and Dad are both getting on in years but still vigorous and healthy. I hope I’m in the same shape they are when I hit that age. For now, I’ll continue to be grateful for each day I wake up, healthy and strong.

Now if I can just get rid of this pesky sniffle…