#givethanks 22

Today I’m grateful for the Villa. It was about two years ago when we first tossed around the idea of buying a townhouse near our kids, so we could visit them more often. College apartments aren’t very good for family gatherings, and we wanted to take advantage of our kids all living in the same area. It seemed ludicrous to buy a second home, but at the same time it was silly to keep bouncing around Airbnb rentals.

So we did it.

Right from the start– even before we’d fully furnished the place– we were having a grand time. We threw a big birthday party for Ollie, featuring three sets of great-grandparents.

Since then we’ve been down there a dozen times, sometimes for a few days, others for a couple of weeks. I never thought I’d be the kind of guy who has a “second home”, but it’s been an incredible blessing to be able to see our kids and really spend time with them.

It was– and continues to be– a fairly significant money pit. But it’s money well spent. For this.