With the designs for Dicee finished, I sent them off to the print company. It was a simple job: just a deck of 54 poker-size playing cards. They arrived today, and I’m pretty pleased with the results.

I decided to use 8-bit retro gaming art for the design after watching Zack and Alex play a video game called Enter the Gungeon. And since Zack is a co-creator of the game, he deserves a subtle shout-out. I like that the game is simple. It involves a deck of cards and a bucketload of dice. It takes a couple minutes to explain and maybe fifteen or twenty minutes to play. It doesn’t involve resource management (as Zack was quick to point out). And honestly it’s a lot of fun.
Of course it’s not finished– this was just the first printing. I already have some ideas for more cards, and I sent a copy to Zack so he can introduce it to his friends and get their input. Together we’ll make it even better.