
I was reading a news article talking about file sharing and the music industry and yada yada. This was in a reputable news journal, and I just about choked on my glass of milk when I read this portion of a sentence:

“… Recording Industry Ass. of America (RIAA) …”

One wonders how intentional that abbreviation was…


There’s big news in the world of science fiction movie-making: William Shatner is teaming up with Leonard Nimoy to make a new flick.

Basically, imagine all of the following:

1) Riverside, Iowa.
2) Captain Kirk.
3) A small budget.
4) The working title “Invasion Iowa”.

Man, it just doesn’t get any better than that!


Today on Slashdot there’s a discussion about a web log authored by a guy who found a digital camera memory card in a New York City taxi. There are 277 pictures on the card, spanning the course of exactly one year. So, in a fit of creativity, this guy decided to create an online photo album with the pictures, including fictional stories about the people and places shown. From the beginning, the web log is clear that the project is pure fiction, and even discusses its roots.

However, in this age of copyright fascism, there are of course legal issues surrounding the project. By posting photographs taken by someone else, this guy is technically violating copyright law. Any pictures you take or words you write are immediately and automatically copyrighted by you– and this is no exception. So, is he liable for damages under copyright law? Moreover, could he be charged with libel or slander because he’s inventing the people in the pictures (“This is Susan, from Amsterdam…”)?

Two points of interest have arisen: first, at least a few of the people in the pictures have been positively identified; second, no one has come forward to say they’re the owner of the card. It’ll be interesting if and when that happens.

In the meantime, it’s a pretty funny idea. Too bad we can’t just enjoy a good joke sometimes.


I’m sitting here clicking away on the ol’ laptop, pretty much waiting for Laralee to finish writing in her journal (and occasionally cursing at the computer for shifting the photos around on the page when she doesn’t want it to). Thus, as often happens in such times, I’m surfing for weirdness on the web. And, ahoy! I think I found one.

Take a look at this picture. A close look.

1) A guy holding an accordion.
2) Wearing a yarmulke.
3) A portly woman with a huge flower-like headpiece.
4) And leather biker gloves.
5) A table covered with an assortment of cheeses.

Methinks it would make an awesome album cover. Now I just have to think of the band name. And a song.


Ahh, crap! Today was Talk Like a Pirate Day and I completely forgot until now (10:19pm). That means I completely missed my chance to toss out such things as “arr, matey” and “batten the hatches, me pretties” during church.

Obviously I need to put this in my planner for next year. No, wait– perhaps I should demand that Franklin Covey add that to their list of holidays and print it in their planner pages. The “celebration” is international in scope, for crying out loud!


I made some chocolate-chip cookies this afternoon, and after dumping in an unspecified amount of chips I noticed there was still some bare dough (“whitespace” as a geek would say). So I added another generous handful of chips, and the result was chip saturation. I baked them anyway, but I’m not sure how some of those cookies are held together– they’re pretty much masses of chocolate lumps with a bit of dough between them.


This morning I was putting in my contacts and dropped the case into the sink. When I picked it up, the ol’ left lens was simply gone. I didn’t see it on the floor, in the sink, anywhere. I crawled around on hands and knees, squinting at the rug and the linoleum, but didn’t see it. Yikes, it must’ve fallen down the drain.

Twenty minutes later I’d disassembled most of the sink and was rewarded with a pile of muck from the drain. Wow, to think I brush my teeth above something so nasty! That single ten-inch section of drain pipe would’ve made a fascinating (but gross) science project for someone. Sadly, despite digging through the goop very carefully, I couldn’t find the contact lens.

Disappointing thoughts of trying to set up an appointment with an eye doctor were floating through my skull when I finally found the thing– stuck to the side of the faucet on the bath tub. The tub is just to the right of the sink, although how the lens popped that far is anyone’s guess. I suppose the manufacturers build in some “evasion” technology because the more lenses you lose, the more money they make.

So happily, I’m seeing with two eyes again.