
I went out and played ultimate at lunch today, and it was a great game. We had a big crowd and some amazing plays. But wow was it hot. The fields had just been watered, so there was a lot of humidity rising off the grass, making it even more oppressive.

After an hour of running in 95-degree heat, and then biking back to the office, I was beat. I think I had a whiff of heat exhaustion, because I was literally seeing double for about half an hour. After laying down for a few minutes and sipping some water everything came back into focus, but I think that’s the first time I’ve had symptoms like that. Gotta be careful on these hot summer days.


As part of our family trip to Laralee’s reunion in Utah, we decided I’d fly back home while she and the kids stayed around a few extra days and then drove up to Idaho to visit her mom and family. That meant I would have a chance to run the gauntlet at the airport, testing whether I could still fly without showing photo ID. According to the TSA’s New Policies Designed to Keep Us Safe, you can no longer go through security– even with “enhanced security screening”– by refusing to show your ID. Apparently “I forgot it” remains an acceptable excuse, so I figured I’d give it a go.

I showed up about an hour before my flight with just a backpack and headed for the Frontier ticket counter, where I told the woman I didn’t have ID. “Nothing at all?” she asked, apparently amazed. But when I was steadfast, she printed a boarding pass with the legendary “SSSS” code on it. I walked to the security area and plodded along as the line made its way through the checkpoint. When I arrived at the checkpoint I gave a friendy “Good morning” to the TSA agent and handed him my boarding pass. He, too, was incredulous that I didn’t have ID, so he directed me over to a nearby holding area.

So far this wasn’t a big deal; it was pretty much the way it’s been for the last few years. But now the adventure began. I was asked to fill out a TSA form with my full name and mailing address. I shrugged and did so, curious where this was going to lead me. There was another passenger there filling out the same form, and a couple of TSA people (including a supervisor). The supervisor picked up a cell phone and called someone, reading off this other guy’s name and address.

There was a pause, she re-read the name and address, asked him to confirm that was really where he lived, confirmed with the guy on the other end of the call, and waited. After a few more minutes of all of us standing around, she asked him if that was really his home address (it was somewhere in Santa Fe). He insisted it was. Then she started asking all kinds of other questions:

“How long have you lived there?” (He said it had been a few years.)

“Where did you live before that?” (Pecos, Mexico.)

“Who did you live with in Mexico?” (His mother.)

“What’s your mother’s name?” (Esperanza or something.)

“Do you have any brothers or sisters?” (No.)

“Where do you work?” (At an asphalt company.)

“What’s the address of your employer?” (Somewhere in Santa Fe.)

After barraging him with all of these questions, she repeated everything to the person on the phone. While all of us continued waiting, I asked the guy where he was going. It turns out he wasn’t going anywhere… he was just trying to get into the terminal to see his thirteen-year-old son, who was on a layover. In other words, he was being subjected to all kinds of personal questions, asked to reveal his family and employment history, and he wasn’t even getting on an airplane!

I was stunned.

Anyway, the clock continued to tick. It had been about twenty minutes, and I was starting to worry that I was going to miss my flight for this nonsense. I asked one of the TSA guys who was hanging around doing nothing how long this usually takes, and he told me he’d seen it take “a lot longer than this”. This guy was all business: he was absolutely serious that twenty minutes was nothing in the identity-verification game they played. I asked if some other TSA person could call the magic phone number to verify my identity while they sorted out the craziness with this other poor guy. Nope. Apparently only a supervisor can make the call, and even if another supervisor called, they’d use the same number so I’d have to wait for this first woman to finish anyway. What?

A couple other TSA guys wandered over. I started chatting with one of them (he was really nice, and even shared his last Altoid with me) and explained that I’d been waiting for a while, and my flight was leaving shortly, and asked if there was anything we could do to speed up this ridiculous process. I told him I’d be willing to go through extra screening or whatever (like the Good Old Days) but he said this was a new policy and they had to verify everything using this inane process. I told him I found it really hard to believe there was only one guy somewhere in a TSA office who handled every passenger verification. Couldn’t someone else call? He agreed that it was indeed sort of silly, and promised to see what he could do.

A few minutes later yet another TSA guy came up to me. Apparently he was another supervisor, and he was willing to help. However, the TSA didn’t provide him with a phone to call the secret office, so he was forced to do it on his personal cell phone. He grumbled about that for a minute, and after getting through to someone he had to explain who he was, give his TSA identification code or whatever, and tell them why he was calling from an unauthorized phone. But finally I guess they accepted his credentials, because then the questions for me began:

“How long have you lived at this address?”

“What’s your home phone number?”

“What kind of car do you drive?”

He passed along this vital information and waited. I asked him what the heck the guy on the other end was doing. “Is he looking me up in the phone book or something?” He looked at me and smiled. “Oh no. It’s much more involved than that. You’d be surprised how much information they have on you.” That’s a direct quote. He went on to explain this process was sort of like a credit check, but more involved. As someone who had a security clearance long ago, I’m well aware of how “involved” The Gov can be when they investigate Citizens. But for crying out loud, I’m just trying to get on a one-hour airplane flight here!

The clock continued to tick, and it was becoming clear that I was in real danger of missing the flight. We were pushing forty minutes by now. I pointed this out to the guy, who assured me that he was doing what he could but that The Process just took time. For the love of all that is holy, I could’ve done the verification myself by just going to Google and searching for my name! I have no idea what kind of databases they were cross-referencing back there.

At long last I was cleared, and allowed to hop to the front of the screening line. I went through the metal detector, which beeped at me. Apparently my watch (which contains very little metal!) set it off, so I dropped my watch in the bin about to cruise through the x-ray scanner and walked through again. All was well, but I was asked to move into the little glass cell to await a Wanding. I argued that the metal detector had just passed me, that my flight was about to take off, and that I had already been subject to forty minutes of scrutiny (not counting the time in the security line itself). She insisted that I had to wait for an authorized screener to attend to me– as a woman she wasn’t allowed to give me The Wand. I was saved by one of the other screeners, who was rooting through my backpack and called me over.

This new team (there were three of them) used the bomb residue swab to check my shoes (a pair of cheap sandals from Target– clearly a security risk) and laptop. They also emptied everything from my pack, pausing to examine the network cable I’d brought as if it was some kind of bomb component. Finally I was cleared, so I stuff everything back into my pack, ran up the escalator, and zipped down to the gate…

… to learn that the plane had left early because (in the words of the guy at the Frontier counter) “everyone was on board and we paged you several times”. I told him I’d spent close to an hour in security, but of course there was nothing he could do because the plane was already on the tarmac.

So I’m sitting in the terminal now, writing this and reflecting on how absolutely ridiculous this whole thing has been.

I wonder if the guy from Santa Fe was able to give his son a hug.

I wonder how the type of car I drive has anything to do with my identity.

I wonder whether I’ve been added to a watchlist now because I didn’t follow protocol.

I wonder how any of these New Policies do anything at all to deter an attack on a plane.

And I wonder why so few people seem to think anything of the police state we are gradually becoming.


From BoingBoing:

The national Terrorist Watch List has now crossed one million names– that’s a million suspected terrorists (including nuns, members of Congress, and people named “Robert Johnson”) who will spend their days being harassed, denied the fundamental right to travel, and punished for having a name vaguely like the name used by someone who may or may not be a terrorist. There’s no way to get off the list, and the list (and the criteria for adding names to it) are secret.

“America’s new million record watch list is a perfect symbol for what’s wrong with this administration’s approach to security: it’s unfair, out-of-control, a waste of resources, treats the rights of the innocent as an afterthought, and is a very real impediment in the lives of millions of travelers in this country. Putting a million names on a watch list is a guarantee that the list will do more harm than good by interfering with the travel of innocent people and wasting huge amounts of our limited security resources on bureaucratic wheel-spinning. I doubt this thing would even be effective at catching a real terrorist.”

— Barry Steinhardt, director of the ACLU Technology and Liberty Program


Man, it’s all sorts of awesome when I open a bill in the mail and a whole bucketload of ads drop out of the envelope.

As an example, I just opened my mortgage statement. Never mind that my mortgage doesn’t exactly thrill me… I also have to deal with:

  • An application to apply for a line of credit
  • A privacy policy statement telling me they might change my privacy policy someday without telling me
  • Something called “HomeConnect” that is apparently useful if I realize I should sell my house
  • A guide to my escrow account, in case I have no clue what I’ve been paying for all these years
  • An application for a student loan
  • A pre-addressed envelope in case I suddenly decide to stop paying online or something
  • Holy cow. Just send me the frickin’ mortgage statement and leave it at that!

    I find that Comcast is pretty bad too… with my monthly statement I usually get about two ads for more Comcast services, as well as life insurance applications and the occasional coupon for some store I’ve never heard of before.

    Whee, advertising!


Tonight we had another double-header ultimate game in the Boulder league. For the first time all season the weather was nice for both games (no wind, no rain, no lightning) so it was a fabulous chance to enjoy a gorgeous summer evening at the foot of the mountains.

(Yes, I’m still playing barefoot after eighteen years.)

(That’s me on the left with the frisbee, and Laralee coming in from the right. I’m not sure if I made that throw– her defender is pretty close.)

We played two hard games, including a hilarious “upside-down point” at the end of one, and were exhausted afterward. After coming home I realized how thirsty I was and managed to down a half-gallon of orange juice in a sitting. Oof.

But hey, I can’t argue with a beautiful evening, the mountains, a group of friends, and a sport I love. Bring it.


Although it continues to be my opinion that George W. Bush is the worst president in recent history, it’s clear that the 110th Congress is the worst group of legislators in memory.

Today the Senate approved the legislation Bush has been having lurid dreams about for weeks: the overhaul of the FISA process and a broad expansion of wiretapping and surveillance powers. Despite the tough talk by Democrats, as usual they folded over like paper dolls in a hurricane when it came time for the vote. In a 69-28 landslide, the legislation passed and the Bush administration got exactly what they wanted.

Perhaps worse than the expanded surveillance capabilities the bill allows is the fact that it grants retroactive immunity to the telecommunications companies who played along with the NSA a few years ago when Bush asked them to illegally monitor phone and internet traffic of American citizens. What kind of a dangerous game is this? Break the law, go to court, and stall until Congress passes a new law that makes everything okay! This is a huge slap in the face to the judicial branch of government, and (of course) a huge victory for the Bushies.

Bruce Afran, a lawyer representing several hundred plaintiffs in the federal suit against the telecoms, said:

The law itself is a massive intrusion into the due process rights. It is a violation of the separation of powers. It’s presidential election-year cowardice. The Democrats are afraid of looking weak on national security.

One could argue he’s upset about the fact that he can no longer pursue a fairly open-and-shut case against the government and thus collect a nice judgement for his firm, but that doesn’t change the fact that… well, he’s right.

Despite the Democrats storming into Congress this past January and saying they’ll stand up to Bush, it seems like they’ve capitulated on every major piece of legislation he’s proposed. Everything from wiretapping to interrogation tactics to funding for the Iraq War has been done precisely as the Bush camp planned. We continue to spend hundreds of billions of dollars on a war that most Americans feel is a lost cause, we continue to expand the power and oversight of the government, and we continue to hear the tired rhetoric from the two-faced Democrats about how this is all for Our Security.

Russ Feingold continues to stand firm in the fight, but his quote

I urge my colleagues to stand up for the rule of law and defeat this bill.

went unheeded by his fellow Senators. Even the champion of Democrats, the golden boy Barack Obama, changed his mind about the bill and voted for it. A few weeks ago he’d opposed it and even threatened to filibuster the debate, but not surprisingly he turned tail and followed the rest of his cowardly colleagues.

What a bunch of freaking losers.


Woo hoo! After several hours of yanking cables and spilling the guts of various old computer systems, I think I finally managed to resurrect my Xbox.


This is simply awesome.

From Flickr comes the “Song Chart Meme”, which is a series of over a hundred graphs and charts that represent popular songs. Many of them are terribly obscure, but most of them are absolutely brilliant.


Zack is finally getting his front teeth back. For the past few weeks he’s looked like a real hillbilly, missing three of those four teeth.

We had corn on the cob a few nights ago, and the poor kid couldn’t have any.